July 2024 Newsletter

July 2024
The company has been through a particularly busy period over the last quarter with the capital fund raising and purchase of the Tothills property, and the transfer of the Talyala property title now at an advanced stage. These acquisitions significantly increase the land holdings of the company. Ongoing management of these properties is only made possible through the dedicated volunteer efforts of a number of our members, the annual fee from members, government grants and collaboration with groups such as Second Nature Conservancy (previously GWLAP).
Bushland Conservation has an impressive record of being run through volunteer work and this was clearly
evident during the planting days in June this year at Rockleigh with over 40 volunteers putting in nearly
3000 plants. Our volunteer base is a huge asset to the company and the board extends its gratitude to all
the volunteers.

The AGM will be at our Kangaroo Island property this year. The AGM is a good opportunity to visit this
wonderful bush property and coastline. If you are planning to attend the meeting it is advisable to book the ferry now.

Next year is the 50th anniversary of Bushland Conservation and the AGM will be at Rockleigh.

Company News
Capital Raising
The company raised capital from members through the issue of new shares to fund the purchase of the
Tothills property. The excess raised over the purchase price and costs will be kept as a
separate fund for possible future land purchases in the Tothills.

Tothill Ranges Land Acquisition
The acquisition of Sections 4 and 204, totalling about 70 hectares, has now been finalised and the titles
have been transferred to Bushland Conservation. This acquisition was made possible by the successful
capital raising that many of the members participated in. These contributions from members are much
appreciated and a testament to the company’s ongoing commitment to protect valuable bushland.
The process of integrating these sections into the existing Tothills management plan and applying for a Heritage Agreement is now underway.

Talyala Land Acquisition
The agreement to gift Bushland Conservation the Talyala property has now been signed and the process of grant of easement and title transfer is being finalised. Members will be notified once the transfer has been formalised.

Property News
NVHA Grant Re-vegetation Project
The Rockleigh planting day was well attended with over 20 volunteers turning up to enjoy the lovely fine
winter weather. A total of 1850 plants were put in on the day, 1500 of which were grown by Second Nature conservancy (SNC) and 350 grown by Bushland Conservation volunteers. The contribution of the
volunteer members, family, and friends is greatly appreciated. We hope they felt rewarded by their planting efforts and the opportunity to enjoy some tasty picnic food and a chat around the campfire.
A further 150 plants grown by Ian Roberts, Angela Wilde and Nic Nicole will be planted this season to
complete our commitment for the first year of the grant of 2000 plants. These were mainly upper storey
species distributed over much of the exclosure, with the plan to plant the remaining 7000 plants as mid andlower story infill over the next 2 years.
The company was again able contract SNC using the grant funding provided through the Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement Large Grant programme. SNC provided much appreciated support in preparing for planting through scraping and auguring holes to remove weeds as well as watering on the planting day.
There will be plenty of opportunity for further volunteer work over the next 2 years of the grant for anyone
disappointed to have missed out.

Biodiversity Links Project Monarto to Tungkillo – Planting Dates
The other planting project at Rockleigh was undertaken using the funding provided by a Biodiversity Links
grant obtained by SNC. Bushland Conservation was contracted as part of this grant to grow the 1000
plants allocated to Rockleigh. We are grateful to our volunteer growers, particularly Angela Wilde and Nic
Nicole, enabling the company to receive a payment of $2500.
Preparation for the planting day was again supported by SNC, with the company providing 17 keen
volunteers on the day to plant, water and guard the 1000 plants. The plants were split between two areas,
one adjacent to the eastern end of the exclosure and the other at the far eastern end of the property near
the gate.
We were fortunate to have a fine day for planting and a warm fire to sit around and chat during “smoko” and lunch.

Deer Control
Bushland Conservation applied for a grant to help monitor and control deer at Rockleigh through the
Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board Grassroots Grant programme but was unsuccessful. The
company will continue its efforts to eradicate deer and will consider how best to manage this activity without the benefit of grant funding.

Tothill Ranges
In addition to engaging a professional shooter for pest animal control, the company also agreed to
participate in an aerial shooting programme undertaken and paid for by NPWS. This programme is carried
out using a helicopter and high tech thermal imagining to identify animals that would otherwise be hidden.
The good news is that despite excellent conditions and a blanket thermal imaging coverage of the Tothills
Ranges there was a complete absence of deer although they did manage to shoot 3 foxes. We do know
from our camera traps that there are deer in the general area but they had moved on by the time of the
aerial programme.
Bushland Conservation will continue to monitor and control deer activity in the Tothills. The company was
fortunately successful in obtaining a $1000 grant through a Northern and Yorke Landscape Bite-sized
Grants to support our feral deer eradication programme.
Andrew Wurst continues to be busy with his “tile project” to research reptiles. He regularly records
interesting dragons and skinks but is yet to find the elusive worm lizard.

Kangaroo Island

The main ongoing activity on the property is the feral cat eradication programme. Cat numbers are
reportedly declining noticeably but substantial work remains to be done. A second Felixer cat trap has now been installed on the Bushland property to target a known area of cat activity. The NPWS plans to
undertake fauna surveys in the area, particularly focussed on investigating the presence of Bandicoot, so it will be interesting to see the results.

2024 AGM

The 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on our Kangaroo Island Property on Saturday 5 October.
Members are reminded to book the ferry now. More details will be provided closer to the time.
Annual Fees.
The annual fee is now due.
The directors have agreed to leave the annual fee unchanged. Details for payment are in the e mailed newsletter.

Peter Vincent.

March 2024 Newsletter

After some good early summer rainfall at Rockleigh the predicted hot, dry spell finally arrived and the
countryside has now browned off. The Tothills has experienced a particularly dry season and some autumn rain relief would now be very welcome.
The property management activities of the company do wind back somewhat over the summer period
although the Rockleigh team has still been kept busy with weeding, re-vegetation maintenance, mowing,
and track repairs. The tube stock plants are growing well in preparation for the 2024 Rockleigh planting
season, thanks to our capable and willing volunteers. Dates for the planting days at Rockleigh are being
firmed up and further details will be provided closer to the time.
Feral pest management is also ongoing at both Rockleigh and the Tothills with some success but more
effort required. Grant applications have been put in for both the Tothills and Rockleigh to defray some of
these costs. Hopefully the company will be successful, particularly given the current government focus on
eradicating feral deer.
There has been an encouraging response from members to the fund raising for the Tothills property.
External sources for additional funding are still being sought. However, we hopefully now have the means
for an initial partial land purchase with the potential of further phased purchases.

Property News

NVHA Grant Re-vegetation Project
Substantial progress has been made on this project with the exclosure in place, protecting and area of 13
hectares, and mowing and spraying to reduce weed competition. This expenditure in setting the project up
covers a significant portion of the grant funding with $61,000 of the $93,400 grant being spent to date.
We will be putting in over 2000 plants in the exclosure this planting season. This will be the first year of the
3 year programme to put in 10,000 plants. These plants are being grown by Second Nature Conservancy
(previously GWLAP) and Bushland Conservation volunteers from local provenance seeds.
The planting effort will be supported by Second Nature Conservancy but as usual, we will be looking for
volunteer planters. Fortunately no guards are required for plants within the exclosure, which will make the
job a bit easier. The dates for the planting day are yet to be finalised but details will be provided well
ahead of time.
The benefits of the exclosure in eliminating grazing pressure appear to be apparent already with strong
natural re-generation of saltbush and native grasses, in particular, in the north-western corner. This area
will not be re-planted, so it will be interesting to how it responds over the next few years.

Biodiversity Links Project Monarto to Tungkillo – Planting Dates

Further to the December 2023 Newsletter, the 1000 plants being grown by Bushland Conservation on
contract to Second Nature Conservancy (previously GWLAP) are coming on well. These will be planted at
Rockleigh, outside of the exclosure, in the 2024 planting season. The 15th June is scheduled for
preparing scrapes and holes and the planting will be carried out on the 16th June. Further details will
be provided closer to the time but please consider volunteering to support this planting effort.

Feral Pests

As a landholder, Bushland Conservation has a responsibility under the Landscape South Australia Act to
destroy feral deer on its properties.
A professional shooter has been engaged to reduce pest numbers, with a particular focus on deer, but also foxes and cats. The shooter has had some success destroying 3 deer and a fox but further visits will be required to reduce total grazing pressure and clear out the remaining foxes and cats known to be present on the property.

Bird Watering Station

The company has maintained the watering station set up some years ago for the Diamond Firetail research project. Graham White in particular regularly tops up the water supply, which is much appreciated by the finches, honeyeaters, parrots, etc.

Tothill Ranges

Andrew Wurst continues to be diligent with the camera surveillance. This has greatly assisted in identifying when and where deer are active on the property, enabling more efficient and cost effective coordination of shooting activities.
No Worm Lizards yet from the research project but Andrew was rewarded with 8 tawny dragons including
one hatchling .
There is Electrical and Telecommunications infrastructure on the Tothills property that requires regular
inspection and management of fire risk. These activities have been undertaken recently and are
coordinated under the company’s management plan

Kangaroo Island
The Kangaroo Island property is in good condition and continues to be essentially self-managed under the
watchful eye of our Kangaroo Island based members. The feral cat eradication program is continuing to achieve results and the occasional weed infestations are being treated.

Company News

Tothill Ranges Land Purchase Offer
There has been a good response to the request to seek funds through a capital raising for the purchase of land adjacent to our Tothills property. This property has a high conservation value and the board sees
substantial merit in merging the land into Bushland’s existing holding and putting it under Heritage
The funds offered by members to date will hopefully enable the company to purchase a portion of the land
on offer with the possibility of further phased purchases as additional funds are obtained over the coming
years. The board is seeking external sources of funding through donations.
Members will be kept informed of the outcomes of further funding efforts and on the progress of
negotiations with the vendor.

Talyala Land Offer
The board has been given approval to negotiate with the owners on the acquisition of this property but
there has been no progress due to the complex nature of the ownership of the property and any transfer.
2024 AGM

The 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on our Kangaroo Island Property on Saturday 5 October.
Members are reminded to book the ferry early. More details will be provided closer to the time.

Peter Vincent

December 2023 Newsletter

There has been some welcome rains to freshen up our properties. The vegetation is responding well and will hopefully maintain its growth through what was expected to be a hot, dry summer. Fortunately the weather was fine for the Annual General Meeting at our Tothill Ranges property on 14 October. There was a good turn out from members and friends and all business was successfully concluded.
The major property activities of the company were again focused on Rockleigh. The exclusion fence has now been completed with pleasing results. Mowing and spraying of the veldt grass dominated areas within the exclosure have also been completed, and the tube stock plants are growing well in preparation for the 2024 planting season. Elsewhere, Andrew Wurst has had some success with his reptile project at the Tothills property (see below).

Property News
NVHA Grant Re-vegetation Project
The key infrastructure component of the project has now been completed with the construction of the 1.54 km fence, enclosing an area of 13 hectares. Our fencing contractors, Ron and Fiona Dunstan, have done an excellent job and the exclosure should be secure from herbivore pests for many years to come.

Mowing and spraying of substantial areas of veldt grass within the exclosure have also been completed, although it will probably take several years of persistent action to get this weed under control. Two thousand plants are now being grown ready for the 2024 planting season using seeds collected locally and Banksia seedlings harvested from the property.
In addition to the 10,000 plants being planted as part of the 3 year grant programme, it will be interesting to see how the existing native vegetation within the exclosure responds, without the substantial pressure from pest herbivores. There will still be plenty of opportunity for volunteers to participate in the project through planting, weed control and watering activities over the next 3 years.

Biodiversity Links Project Monarto to Tungkillo

Further to the October 2023 Newsletter, the 1000 plants being grown by Bushland Conservation on contract to Second Nature Conservancy (previously GWLAP) are also coming on well. These will be planted at Rockleigh, outside of the exclosure, in the 2024 planting season.

Revegetation from 1990s
Bushland Conservation had a successful direct seeding re-vegetation program in the 1990s on what was a paddock at the entrance to the Rockleigh property. It is heartening to see the prolific bird-life making use of the flowering eucalyptus and under-storey, including honeyeaters, parrots, thornbills and wrens as well as a family of nesting choughs and extensive echidna scratchings. Interestingly, a recent article in Australian Birdlife indicated that the White Winged Chough is closely related to Birds-of-Paradise. Choughs are an entertaining bird and well worth taking the time to observe. The new habitat is a testament to the foresight and efforts of those involved in this re-vegetation project.

Swamp Wallaby and Koala
Ron and Fiona found a swamp wallaby on the property, the first record, while constructing the fence. This is probably a long term escapee but an interesting visitor nevertheless. And Graham White, on one of his many working days on Rockleigh, recently heard the unmistakable grunting of a koala, an infrequent visitor to the property.

Feral Pests
Ron Dunstan is also our contract shooter for the Tothills property. While at Rockleigh he installed a camerato check on deer numbers based on significant evidence of their presence. Unfortunately the camera has confirmed large numbers, with 7 deer in one photo. As a landholder, Bushland Conservation has a responsibility under the Landscape South Australia Act to destroy feral deer on its properties. Ron has now been engaged to reduce pest numbers, including foxes and cats.

Tothill Ranges
The property welcomed an influx of members and friends for the AGM, with some taking the opportunity to camp and explore the area. Andrew Wurst continues to be active with the camera surveillance (unfortunately confirming the continued presence of deer, see below) and with his Worm Lizard project. No Worm Lizards yet but he did find 4 species of reptiles on a recent inspection including, Boulenger’s Morethias (Morethia boulengeri), Tawny dragons (Ctenophorus decresii), Bougainville’s Slider ( Lerista bougainvillii) and Mallee Black-headed Snake (Parasuta spectabilis). In addition, he also managed to find a Marbled Gecko (Christinus marmoratus) sheltering in a possum box.

Kangaroo Island
The Kangaroo Island property is in good condition and continues to be essentially self-managed under the watchful eye of our Kangaroo Island based members. The feral cat eradication program is continuing to achieve results and the occasional weed infestations are being treated.

Company News
2023 AGM
The AGM was well attended by nearly 30 members and friends. After a welcome from the chair, attendees listened to an interesting talk by our guest speaker Matt Heard, an ecologist with the NPWS. All business was successfully concluded including member approval of the resolution for the board to negotiate with the Talyala owners on the transfer of this property to Bushland Conservation.
A substantial number of members took the opportunity to camp on the property and explore the area.
David Smyth led a visit to the nearby Hester’s Heritage Scrub exclosure to inspect the fence design and to view the significant impact on the native vegetation by excluding herbivore pests.

2024 AGM
The 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on our Kangaroo Island Property on Saturday 5 October.
Members are reminded to book the ferry early. More details will be provided closer to the time.

Annual Fees
Thank you to those that have already paid the annual fee and particularly to those who have given additional donations. The fees are essential to the running of Bushland Conservation.
The annual fee is now overdue and there are still a substantial number of members yet to pay. Can
you please pay your fee now.

Best wishes,
Peter Vincent

July 2023 Newsletter

The company has been active over the last 2 months, with a successful planting programme at Rockleigh and being awarded a substantial grant to fund a 3 year re-vegetation project, also at Rockleigh. Bushland conservation is fortunate to have an active membership group prepared to volunteer their time to support the management and conservation work on its properties. The board would like to thank the membership
for its ongoing support, which continues to build on the legacy that has been created since the formation of the company in 1975.

The AGM in October will provide members with the opportunity to hear more about the management of our properties on Kangaroo Island, in the Tothill Ranges and at Rockleigh and the plans for the future.

Property News

Planting June 2023
We had another successful planting season thanks to the many volunteer growers and planters. The work was carried out mainly over two weekends, the first to prepare the area by mowing and scalping to control the weeds (primarily veldt grass) and the second for planting. A total of 2200 plants were planted, including over 900 native grasses in the exclosure which is being developed as a natuve grass seed nursery.

Special thanks to Angela and Nic who, once again, were major contributors, growing over 1800 plants, Ian White for supplying the water and helping out on the day, and to Graham White for overseeing the overall effort. Thanks also to Bren, for the use of his mower and mowing expertise and plant growing, and to our other growers, Tom Reeves, Ian Roberts, the Bullocks, Julie Turner and Barbara Bansemer. Twelve
people attended the first weekend from 10 memberships with 22 people on the second, representing 11 memberships. All board members participated along with our 2 youngest planters, Rita (7) and Frank (4).

Grant Award
Bushland Conservation has been awarded significant funding for a re-vegetation project on Rockleigh through the Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement Large Grant programme. This project will be carried out over 3 years and will result in the planting of over 12,000 local provenance native plants. The initial phase of the work involves weed control and erecting a 1.54 km feral proof fence to enclose an area of 13 hectares. Once again, Bushland Conservation will be engaging Goolwa Wellington Local Action Planning Group (GWLAP) to work with us on this project but there will still be plenty of opportunity for volunteers to participate.

The company will purchase a ride-on mower through the grant funding and will undertake slashing and spraying of the site when the weather dries up. A fencing contractor has now been engaged to erect the fence and this work will be undertaken in October this year.

The award of this substantial grant recognises the capability of Bushland Conservation to manage a conservation project of this scale, based on the re-vegetation work that has been undertaken at Rockleigh over many years and on the experience, expertise and motivation of its members. The company is fortunate to receive this funding and is committed to delivering a successful project that will add substantially to the conservation value of Rockleigh.

Tothill Ranges

Worm Lizard Research Project
Andrew Wurst has set up a research project to investigate the presence of worm lizards in the Tothill Ranges. This involves setting up a pattern of tiles across a part of the property and then checking them at regular intervals. This species is listed as vulnerable under the EPBC act but there is a record of it occurring in the Tothill Ranges. Andrew came up with this idea while supporting a similar project in a conservation reserves to the east of Mt. Bryan, run by a NWPS ecologist Matthew Heard. Matt will be our guest speaker at our AGM in the Tothill Ranges and he will discuss the worm lizard amongst other conservation and ecology related matters.

Property Visit

The Tothills property was visited by the U3A Nature Photography Group as part of the student studies and kindly provide a donation to the company.

Kangaroo Island

Feral Cat Eradication Programme

The Feral Cat Eradication team has reported that the Bushland Conservation property is largely cleared of feral cats and the focus is now on preventing re-enter and doubling back as the programme moves progressively west. In excess of 45 cats have been removed from the vicinity of our property through a combination of techniques. The Felixer device has proved particularly useful, including 12 cats removed from a location near our AGM site. The use of cameras has also been critical to the success of the programme. The Feral Cat Eradication team has been grateful for the support received from Bushland Conservation, including the provision of cameras.

Goanna Research Project

The initial phase of the research project on the Rosenbergs Goanna has now been concluded. The study area included Bushland Conservation’s KI property and the work on the property was carried out with the support of some of our Kangaroo Island members. This study has found that these goanna play an important role as scavengers in controlling agriculturally harmful blowfly populations, highlighting the significance of reptiles in the ecosystem

Remembering Robert (Bob) Seamark

Robert (Bob) Seamark died on 31 May 2023 after a short illness. He was on country in Central Australia when he got sick. He is survived by his loving wife Kay Hannaford and his three children Anna, Tom, Ben and his grandchildren.
Bob was one of the earliest shareholders in the company acquiring his initial shareholding on 17/12/76. He was one of the company’s earliest directors being appointed in 17/12/76 and serving on the board until 31/10/95. Bushland Conservation has been fortunate to have had people like Bob to support its conservation aims and to build the legacy that we have today.
Bushland Conservation Board extends its sympathies to his family and hopes that they are able to continue an involvement in the company.

Talyara Property

Further to the May 2023 Newsletter, the owners of the Talyara Heritage Agreement property, located approximately 10 km NW of Laura, on the eastern flanks of the southern Flinders Ranges and extending over an area of 486 hectares, have now offered to gift this property to Bushland Conservation. This is a generous proposal on an attractive, well vegetated property with significant conservation value.

The Talyara owners have identified Bushland Conservation as a credible, like minded organisation with the capability to take over the responsibility for managing the conservation of this property. The board recognises that accepting this offer does come with additional obligations on Bushland Conservation and its members. The implications of taking on the Talyara property are being reviewed by the directors but a recommendation has not yet been finalised. The plan is to provide the membership with a proposal prior to the AGM, summarising the pros and cons and implications, including financial, for a discussion and a vote at the meeting.

Best wishes

Peter Vincent
Email bushlandconservation1975@gmail.com
Mobile 0419500597