KI AGM Reports

2021 AGM

The Bushland Conservation AGM was held on 2nd October on KI. Twenty four members were present at the meeting with 14 apologies: Below are some of the main points.

  1. Guest Speaker: Peter Vincent welcomed Dr James Smith who is directing the cat eradication program on the Dudley Peninsula. With the aid of some map, graph and photo handouts, James gave a run down on how the program was progressing and a look into further developments for the rest of the Island. He explained how developing technology in cameras and accessories was enabling better detection and response while saving many hours sifting through thousands of photographs.

Peter thanked James for his informative talk and time and for the effort in trying to rid our property of cats.

  1. Minutes from previous AGM were read. Moved M Brown seconded B Lay “that the minutes be accepted”. Carried unanimously
  2. Business arising from Minutes

GW asked Denzel whether he had received any feedback on the rare orchid mentioned in the Tothills report. No.

  1. Financial Report and Directors Report were presented. Moved J Doube, seconded D Matheson “that the Financial Report be accepted”. Carried unanimously. GW explained that the unusual profit was a result of the grant money arriving so late it could not be spent in that financial year.

Moved R Glatz, seconded J Smyth “that the Directors Report be accepted”. Carried.

  1. Auditor: Moved T Bullock seconded J Doube “that the company agrees not to have an auditor for the current financial year.” Carried unanimously.
  2. Charter: The Chair read the Charter. Moved Bill Blessing/S White that it be accepted. Carried unanimously.
  3. Directors

Directors retiring by rotation this year are D Smyth and Bill Blessing.  David thanked Bill for his service to the Company both as a director and Chair. David Smyth and Peter Vincent have both nominated. No further nominations were forth-coming when called for at the meeting. It was moved J Smyth and seconded Bren Lay “that the AGM recommend to the Board that at its next meeting D Smyth and P Vincent be appointed as Directors”.  Carried.

8. Chair’s Report

The Chair noted that the Constitution had been updated and thanked all involved for their time and effort. He thanked all those involved in organising and attending the working bees, and the Property Coordinators and their committees for their work through-out the year.

9.  Property reports – these are under the relevant property.

  1. General Business

David gave a summary of the work done in updating the old constitution established under the SA Companies Act of 1962 to the proposed new one governed by the Commonwealth Corporations Act of 2001 and regulated by ASIC. He mentioned the decision made by shareholders in 2019 to remain as we are instead of becoming an Association and the decision to consult a lawyer with the purpose of writing a new Constitution. The final draft of this was sent to all shareholders in June 2021.

D Smyth moved that the special resolution be accepted and this was seconded by Bill Blessing. Discussion was invited. With no comments coming, GW said he held a proxy for Peter and Anne Reeves to vote against the motion unless it could be changed to give a clearer and binding set of conditions for directors to follow in running the Company; something in line with the old Memorandum of Association or the complete Charter. The other major requirement was in the Winding-up of the Company where they would like to see the properties protected and left to a like minded body.

In reply it was mentioned that the Charter is read and passed every AGM and that should the Co be wound up, debts have to be paid and the only asset we have is the properties.

It was also mentioned that the wording of the “Wind-up” clause is almost identical in both old and new versions but this is no reason not to change it if possible

D Smyth moved and Bill Blessing seconded that the motion be put. This was carried with one vote against thus satisfying the 75% majority.

It was agreed that the Board look into the concerns raised by the Reeves and see what could be done to amend the document in the future.

Thank You

Deb Sleeman proposed a vote of thanks for the work done by the secretary. This was accepted with acclamation.

.Any Other Business


The next AGM was listed for Rockleigh with the Board to advise of a specific date.