- Bren reported that using the Diamond Firetail study had enabled us to win our $10,000 grant and consequently large numbers of grasses and Alocasuarinas had been planted with more on the way. He thanked Nic and Angela for the huge effort that they had put in by collecting seed, growing plants and organising the plantings for the working bee.
- Peter reported that there were 2 aspects of the grant. 1. The tube stock planting, which, due to the late arrival of funds, only went ahead because of the work Nic and Angela had done. 2. The direct seeding of 2 ha using GWLAP. With funds left over we should be able to do a similar number next year.
- Another grant has been applied for with the main aim to construct an enclosure to be used as a seed orchard.
- Elizabeth L proposed that we send a “thank you” to Nic and Angela. Moved BL/PV and carried. Bren to write.
- GW thanked the members and families for their help on working bees, reminding all that the grants come with an “in kind” input from us.